How Safe Is Your Password?


Most people feel their passwords are relatively safe; after all, they are at least six characters long, probably with some numbers and special characters thrown in for good measure. For a long time, this was actually true, as the computing power required to crack such passwords was either unavailable or prohibitively expensive. Well, not any longer. The art of password cracking has advanced more in the last five years than in the last five decades combined. In my last post, I talked about how bitcoin miners use very fast processors such as GPUs and ASICs to handle the billions of calculations required. Password cracking is a similar pursuit.

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Firefox 22 Arrives In Style With Video Calling And 3D Gaming Capabilities(Download Included)


Mozilla this week launched the latest version of its Firefox browser, seeking to woo users with new features including 3D gaming and video calls. In a blog post, Mozilla also said the latest iteration of Firefox now allows file-sharing directly within the browser as well.

The blog post which read “Firefox allows developers to create amazing high-performance Web applications and enables video calls and file-sharing directly in the browser, all without the need for plug-ins or third-party software. What has been difficult to develop on the Web before is now much easier, faster and more fun”

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Tech Weekly Round-Up

Hi tekhabitians(Okay, I have no idea where that came from but it’s nice. No? Okay). WELCOME to the first edition of a series of weekly features where we bring you a mash-up of the week’s technology headliners. Let’s get into things then.

So, it looks like Vine has got a new pal or maybe not. On Thursday, Instagram announced that its 130 million monthly users will now be able to shoot and share editable 15-second videos with 13 special filters. The new video feature was made available to all iOS and Android Instagram users as a free update to the existing Instagram app. Instagram is no longer about just taking a perfectly good photograph and running it through a filter. “It’s everything we know and love about Instagram, but it moves”, Systrom ,co-founder and CEO of Instagram described. This new video-sharing feature puts Instagram in direct competition with Twitter’s Vine. Find out more here

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Microsoft Rescind XBox One DRM Policy And Online Check-Ins


Microsoft breathe new life into the next-gen console war by rescinding their initial DRM policy for the Xbox One and their proposed online check-ins. The announcement was made via Microsoft’s XBox page and will definitely be music to the ears of many Microsoft and Xbox fanboys. The statement read

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